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That Bitch

Gabrielle Chen Yaqing

18th December 1990



Unmeasurable Mass

Understanding Her


Republic Of Bitches (ROB)
Jay chou
Spongebob & Patrick
Outings with ROB and friends
Traveling around the world
Irritating my 2nd brother
Lazing around
Sweet stuffs
Shiny and bling stuffs
Craft work
Black & all colors on the Rainbow


Being accused
Being broke
Controlled and ordered around
Bitter stuffs
Walking behind a smoker who is smoking

Editor: nique x3

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Alice in Wonderland

I treasure each and every little contact we can get. Though I'm unsure when will be the next.
Somehow deep in my heart I hope that the world really ends on 21 Dec 2012.
It feels so right when its so wrong. Never thought that I would ever use that sentence.
For all that I'd done, I will be going to hell for it.

Was Bitching At 2:06 AM♥

If only I had wings to fly

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Just too positive

I had my first exam paper yesterday and it was good. Good not in the sense that I will definitely pass. I will definitely fail that paper cause I only did 2 question out of a total of 5.

I didn't finish the paper not because I don't have enough time, but because I only know how to do that 2 questions.

Though I had been 'revising' for more than a week, but all that revision was actually bypassing my brain. I was only able to absorb and understand on the last 2 days of my revision.

So on the last 2 days I managed to understand 3 topics and out of these 3, 2 came out for the exams. Not bad right?

Anyway, I just don't want to get upset over spilled milk. I took this whole episode very positively. So positive that I thought I was a bit mentally unsound.

To make it sound worse, I was late for my paper. I was late for about 15 minutes. And the best part was I was not even panicking. I can still feel very relax.

Of course there were also others that were late like me. I must have emit a very peaceful aura cause there were some who were running to the exam hall but when they reached beside me and saw that I was just walking at a moderately fast pace rather than running, they slowed down and walk at the same pace as me.

I am beginning to find that the older I get, the more opposite I become as compared to the past me. In the past, I used to be very study-driven and always want to get good grades. But now, meh...

Maybe now I don't find academic results that important anymore. It doesn't mean that I'm giving up on studying. I still want to pass my ACCA. Just maybe not this time round.

I feel that I had started on a wrong note which snowballed to me dreading to study hard. I even dread going to school. And also those last minute shitty work which makes you feel worse about yourself. So I just decided to give myself another chance to get things right by making an effort to work hard once my new school term starts.

Was Bitching At 4:24 PM♥

If only I had wings to fly

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Awesome Week

Exams is just tomorrow and here I am typing this post away. I guess I don't know how to spell panic huh?

So anyway, this week has been an awesome week despite it being the week before my exams. This goes to show that, no matter how bad the situation, good stuffs can still happen.

Started off with a early celebration for Meng's birthday cause we thought that most of us won't be able to make it on the actual day. We had Lebanese food at Holland Village.

It is actually the dessert part that perked me up. We had ice-cream from Island Creamery!! And I had my ice cream on top of a super cone!! And it taste freaking heavenly!! If I die while munching on my super cone, I died happy.

On Meng's actual birthday, turned out that we were all free that day. So we had a simple steamboat dinner at her place and a short k-session before she sent us home. Yay for free rides home.

The next day which is a Thursday, I went to Universal Studio for the first time. AND IT IS FOR FREE !! I actually had to pay for 1 ticket but now I don't have to.

Cause Mr.Creature went there with his army peeps, which means his tickets were already free, and then some of his friends turned up but decided not to go to Universal Studios but instead head for the Casino. So they gave their entry tickets to Mr.C who in turn pass on the goodness to me. Super Yays!! So this means that I saved like a $50-$60++?

Anyway Universal Studios was awesome. I would have enjoyed myself much more if I wasn't feeling well that day. But nevertheless I still had fun.

My favourite rides were the indoor roller coaster ride at the Ancient Egypt and the Transformer 4-D coaster ride. Going to USS made me feel all young again. Lol.

Oh and I met Betty Boop in person. She is so pretty and she even waved to me. All the people at USS are quite nice. Even if they don't talk to you, they at least bother to smile when you look in their way.

Yesterday, I went to watch Madagascar 3. Even though I did not watch 1 and 2, but I still find 3 awesome.

I think that as we grow older, we tend to get touched easier? I feel that nowadays I cry more easily. So anyway, there was a part in the movie where they played Katy Perry's Firework. I almost cried at that part cause it was so beautiful. Alright I shall say no further in case I become a spoiler.

Oh ya btw, if you are gonna watch movie on weekends and you are doing online bookings, go watch at Golden Village instead of Cathay cause it is much more cheaper, especially when you are paying with POSB/DBS debit cards.

If I did online bookings at Cathay for the movie yesterday, it could have caused me $25 for two tickets. So I booked with GV instead which cost me only $19 for two tickets. Far cry right?

So that basically summed up my week.

After my exams I am gonna change this blog skin. Something must be wrong with me when I create this template cause it looks ugly to me now.

And I hope I pass my exams for tomorrow. Wish me luck. And help me pray to your God for blessings. Lol.

Was Bitching At 12:12 PM♥

If only I had wings to fly

Thursday, May 31, 2012
I excel in..

If there is one thing that I'm really good at, it's running away from problems. Like a boss. Lol.

Anything that feel too stressful and too pressurizing, I just act stressful about it, and the next moment I know, I will surfing 9gag.com, or drop dead on my bed. How amazing is my talent?!

Yes, I'm so talking about my studies. God please watch over me (T.T)
Was Bitching At 2:39 AM♥

If only I had wings to fly

Monday, May 21, 2012

Thou Shall


I totally wasted today not doing anything beneficial towards my studies. It's really hard to force yourself to study when you don't really like the subject. Other than doing the laundry, I spent the whole day watching anime and korean variety shows. Not that I'm proud of myself for doing all that.

God of determination please descend in front of me tomorrow when I start my revision.
Was Bitching At 11:46 PM♥

If only I had wings to fly

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Looks changes

How do you describe that feeling, when you look at people that you used to know and you could recognise their faces, yet you wonder if they could recognise you, or even remember you?

Its a weird feeling that I can't actually describe with words.

Though I don't really feel so, but i know that my looks have changed a lot. Or maybe tremendously as some may put it. Sometimes, I can walk past an old classmate of mine and they could not even recognise me. Since I'm not a friendly person either, I can't be bothered to say hi and made myself known, unless that person is someone that used to be super duper close to me. But then again, I may be too shy to approach them too.

I'm not sure if my drastic changes is a good or a bad thing. On one hand I can avoid those people that I don't like talking to, on the other hand, it kind of saddens me if that person used to be someone that means something special to me, but yet could not recognise me anymore. I know it is of no one's fault if that is happen. Yet, somehow, I still feel a little sad inside.

Anyway, the most important thing that really matters is that, even if my changes are big, as long as I've become prettier, the rest above doesn't really matter anymore. Lol. Superficial me.
Was Bitching At 3:56 AM♥

If only I had wings to fly

Monday, February 20, 2012

Good so far

The past 2 weeks was spent pretty well. I think.
I went to the Titanic exhibition with ex-hubby the week before and I feel that the exhibition sort of ignite the art enthusiasm in me.
Ever since then I've been paying a bit more attention to art/history exhibits that is going to be held in Singapore.
I'll be going to the Singapore Art Museum(SAM) to have a look at the 'Future Proof' exhibit this coming Friday.
Saw it being featured in The Newspaper and it looked pretty good.
Hopefully there won't be a lot of people when I'm there cause then I may not be able to appreciate the work pieces in peace.

Another reason why I'm suddenly interested in art is because of the 4 days work training I had for the musical 'Spring Awakening' by Pangdemonium.
Pangdmonium is the theatre play company set up by Mediacorp artist, Adrian Pang and his wife.
The play is actually written long ago and had been performed before in other countries.
There is also a full version of the play performed by other people on youtube, but of course don't expect much of the video quality cause most of the footage were taken illegally.
I really liked the songs of this musical very much.
I'm so gonna buy the CD of this play if it's available in Singapore.
And Adrian Pang is like the nicest artist I've ever met.

Too bad theatre play are so much more expensive than going to museums, or not I will go watch them more often.
I'm actually interested in watching 'Wicked'.
But I'm living a life of a student now, which also means to say I have no money.
So unless it's a free show, I don't think I will go. Sadded.

And I cut my own fringe again, saving at least $3.80. Lol.
Also, I finally bought leggings from Uniqlo.
I'd waited so long for the $9.90 sale of the leggings.
Call me cheapskate, but I'm proud of being a cheapskate.

Mmmm.. Looking back now, actually I haven't done much 'productive' stuffs the past 2 weeks.
But somehow I felt pretty satisfied with myself.
Maybe my standards had been lowered? Lol.
Was Bitching At 11:48 PM♥

If only I had wings to fly

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Firstly, happy belated new year and belated Chinese new year.
The year 2012 did not started out very well for me as I had a few temper outburst due to my pms I guess.
I thought the chinese new year will be a good start instead since I saw a rainbow 2 days before the exact day of the Chinese new year.
In the end I ended up having a fever and fainted while queuing up for movie tickets on the 3rd day of CNY.
Of all places to faint, why did I faint at such a crowded place (T.T).
Thank God Mr. Creature was there to help me when I fainted.
But I got a good scolding from him for refusing to see a doctor prior to that.

I'm feeling much better now after medication and a good night rest.
But I still feel bad for not being able to catch the movie and wasting $18 for it.
And I think I scared the wits out of Mr. Creature for fainting without warning. Lol.

If the rumors about 2012 being the end of the world were real, I hope, at least, it will be a good year for me.
So I have to start living each day fruitfully.
At least I'm proud that I had been going to my nail art lessons more regularly and I really did some spring cleaning for my room on the eve of CNY.

Fainting still feels like falling asleep.
Was Bitching At 3:26 PM♥

If only I had wings to fly

Monday, November 21, 2011

Hell again

The mental torture is like re-living the o'levels period.
Thought I would not have to experience this kind of stuffs again.
Think I probably gonna fail some of my modules.
And it is tough to get myself to start mugging real hard.

God help me to fall in love with studying again.

Was Bitching At 12:13 AM♥

If only I had wings to fly

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Miss You

Looking at all those old photos.
358 photos of us together.
Probably more to come.
Something about you that attracts me like you always do.
I miss those old times.
I miss you. Again.

You can't always have all the good things in life. And that is sad. If only I could have 2 good things at once.
Was Bitching At 2:09 AM♥

If only I had wings to fly